Dragonsong War Museum

Inspired by events of history and as described in "Heavensward' - the memoirs of Count Edmont de FortempsDesigned to educate the peoples of Ishgard and beyond about key events of the Dragonsong War.

Zalera: Empyreum Ward 5 Plot 21

The aftermath of the thousand-year Dragonsong War brought a new era to Ishgard - a time of reconciliation and reflection and hope for a brighter future.Please enjoy the reproductions and dramatizations of events and places depicted in this exhibit

Welcome! I hope you enjoy this tribute to the city-state of Ishgard and events of the 'Heavensward' expansion of FFXIV.This is an open venue, free for visiting.If you have questions or comments, please feel free to sign the message book in the estate!

Feel free to 'take a brochure' at the table on the main floor and enjoy a self-guided tour of the exhibits.There's a table on the top floor to 'return' your pamphlet so we can recycle for others to enjoy!Have fun!

"Bertha" Cannon

Knight's Watchfire

The Aftermath of War: Ruined Foundation Wall

Highland Sentry Turret

The Time of Peace: Shiva and Hraesvelgr

In Memoriam: Ratatoskr the Curious

Founders: Haldrath and the Eye

Knights Most Heavenly: Temple Knights and Lord Commander

Knights Twelve: Heaven's Ward Meeting Table
(located on our lower level for space!)

The Legend of the Forgotten Knight

Astrologicum and Observatorium: Saint Guenriol and the Dragonstar

Modern Warfare: The Ingenuity of Skysteel

Highlands Watch: Camp Dragonhead and the Vigils - Stone, Steel and Dusk

Knight Captain's Desk

Beneath the Snowcloak: Lady Iceheart's campaign

Unlikely Alliances: Quest for Wars EndJourney to the Sky: Dravanian Forelands and Churning Mists

The Aery: A Great Wyrm's Demise?Nidhogg's Slayer: Estinien Wyrmblood, Azure Dragoon

The Treachery of Truth: The Raid on the Vault A Knight To Remember: Haurchefant Greystone

The Last Archmandrite: Zephirin de ValhourdinArchbishop's End: Azys Lla

Struggling Towards Peace: The Summit at Falcon's Nest

The Grand Melee: Rejoining the Alliance
Lord Commander to Lord Speaker: Aymeric de Borel

Eternal Is a Dragon's Rage: The Final Steps of Faith


Knights Twelve: Heaven's Ward Meeting Table (though technically an 'exhibit' on this floor, you are welcome to sit and enjoy your refreshments here with your party!)

After your tour, feel free to unwind in our downstairs cafe with gift shop. Browse for a souvenir or enjoy a beverage and pastry with friends.(The retainer out front has items for sale on the MB if you'd like a physical souvenir for gil! Proceeds will go to expanding exhibits and funding future events)Menu below is added for RP flavor only - no real gil required.

With gratitude to the nascent Republic of Ishgard and her peoples - highborn and low.May we walk together beneath the Fury's gaze towards a brighter future.

A very special thank you to:The Eorzean Museum Network - a cooperative network of free, player-run cultural venues in Final Fantasy XIVMore Information About the Network Here!Silvestre Vigneaux of the Veterans of the Dragonsong War Free Company for their support.Ymiraude Valdecendre of Saint Valeroyant's Forum for her assistance with lore research.